
You've got a million ways to make me laugh you lookin out for me you got my back, so good to have you around.
You know the secrects I could never tell and when I'm quiet you break through my shell don't feel the need to do a revel yell cause you keep my feet on the ground.
You don't get angry when I change the plans somehow you'll never have a second chance won't say "I told you" when I'm wrong again.
A true friend you're here till the end you pull me aside when somethin ain't right talk with me now and into the night till it's alright again true friends will go to the ends of the earth till they find the things you need friends hang on through the ups and the downs, cause they've got someone to believe in.

1 comentario:

  1. hasta lo pase pro eltraductor para entenderrlo quedecia sos muy bomboncito tiernoo de fruta martulinguisi!=) te quiero muchoovida mia sabes q me tene spara charlas rpor lo menos te vpoy a escuchasr o leer en su defecto jaja!=)ç

    te amoo chotqa=!=)

    te escriboo desde el goyete de titoo! soy florchaa!
